Get In Touch
Sydney, NSW, Australia

The Fred Hollows Foundation

Many people are blind because they don’t have access to quality and affordable eye health. Since The Foundation began, we’ve restored sight to more than 2.5 million people – often with a simple, 20 minute operation. Of the 36 million people in the world who are blind, many don’t have to be. Eye diseases like cataract, trachoma and diabetic retinopathy lead to permanent blindness when often, the conditions are treatable or preventable. Fred believed that training and empowering local people was the key to sustainable change. The Foundation trains doctors, nurses and health care workers so they can recognise, diagnose, refer and treat eye problems in their communities. With our growing knowledge and understanding of eye diseases through research and technology, we can create solutions that are more effective at restoring sight to even more people – and end avoidable blindness, faster. Change through social activism was something close to Fred’s heart. Our advocacy work is all about working with governments, our partners and local communities in achieving long term change.


We’ve been proudly supporting the Foundation for some time, with our young children now also donating a portion of their allowance to add to the contribution. Proud parents!